Course Objectives:
1. Understand the differences between aggressive, assertive and passive behavior
2. Learn how to communicate assertively
3. Be familiar with one’s own as well as other colleague’s and managers’ communication styles
4. Be able to adapt one’s own communication style to gain attention and cooperation from others
5. Contribute with ideas and opinions in a confident and logical manner
6. Understand the meaning of taking responsibility for one’s words and actions
Course Outline:
1: The Fundamentals of Assertive Behavior
Definition of Assertiveness
Activity: Self-assessment
The Confidence/Cooperation Communication Model
Assertive, Aggressive and Submissive
Overview of the Different Styles and its Consequences
2: A Look at Your Confidence and Self-Image
The relationship between self-image & assertiveness
Analyzing your barriers to assertiveness
Impression Management – what impression do you leave behind
How to improve your self-image
Assertive Body Language & related activities
3: Expressing Yourself Assertively and Contributing Ideas
Identification of Assertive Language
I-statements & related activity
Activity: Take a Stand
How to speak up and contribute with ideas professionally
Structuring your message and selling your ideas
Dealing effectively with Interruptions and Disagreements in meetings
4: Dealing with Difficult People & Conflicts
Dealing with unassertive people & related activity
Dealing with people with unrealistic requests
Saying NO assertively
Conflict situations
Dealing professionally with complaints from start to finish
Managing information and explaining options and actions
5: Problem-Solving Skills
Accountability at the work place
Analyzing a Situation
Generating & Evaluating Ideas
Making decisions on your own
Bringing a problem to the attention of your superior
Dealing with Crisis and informing the affected people